Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

What are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells of tooth coloured material (ceramic/porcelain or composite) that are bonded/cemented to the front surface of teeth to improve their cosmetic appearance. They are usually placed on front teeth as they are generally not suitable in load bearing areas like back teeth.

  • Veneers can be used to cover gaps in teeth where orthodontic treatment may not be suitable. They are an effective solution to stained, misaligned or chipped and broken teeth and as they cansimulate the size, shape and colour of your own teeth they create a very natural look.
  • The colour of porcelain veneers can be selected to match your existing teeth or to make them appear whiter and the finish has the light-reflecting qualities of natural teeth.
  • Veneers offer a gentler approach to altering a tooth’s shape or colour than crowns, as only a small amount of enamel has to be removed to fit the veneer yet they offer similar strength.
  • Porcelain veneers are more stain resistant and durable than composite bonding, and if looked after properly, can last for many years. However, they can be replaced should any damage occur.
What are Veneers?
How are Veneers Fitted?

How are Veneers Fitted?

  1. Your tooth will be prepared to hold the veneer. This involves taking off a thin layer of the enamel so that the veneer can be attached to your tooth seamlessly, without changing the size of the tooth. You might be given a local anaesthetic as a precaution, but the procedure should be painless.
  2. Your dentist will then take an impression of your mouth so that a bespoke veneer can be created to fit your tooth perfectly. A temporary cover may be placed over your tooth while this is being prepared.
  3. The veneer will then be attached to your tooth and adjusted as necessary, before being permanently secured in place.

Smile Makeovers

Veneers can be very successfully used as part of a complete Smile Makeover. Please click on this link for further details regarding Smile Makeovers.

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    Sweet Tooth Dental Care
    185 Redbridge Lane East
    Ilford, IG4 5DF

    020 8551 2216