

Types of Filling

Dental fillings are artificial substances that are used to fill in the holes or gaps in the enamel of decayed or damaged teeth. Many options are available for fillings, and your dentist will suggest the best material to use based on your tooth. Fillings vary in cost, size, strength, and colour. There are two main types:

  • Composite Fillings
    Composite fillings are sometimes referred to as ‘composites’ or ‘white fillings’. This material is a resin and glass mixture that is beautifully crafted and made to match the exact colour of your tooth. They are fairly durable and ideal for small-to-mid-size restorations in areas of your mouth that perform moderate chewing.
  • Glass Ionomer
    Glass ionomer fillings are a blend of acrylic and glass and is used to create a cavity filling that releases fluoride to help protect teeth. Glass ionomer is usually less durable than other types and may need to be replaced in as little as five years.
Types of Filling

The Procedure

The procedure for a composite filling is fairly simple:

  1. Firstly if needed, we numb the area using our pain free injection technique.
  2. We then asses the shade of your teeth using our dental composite shade guide.
  3. Then we prepare the tooth and remove any decay.
  4. Apply acid etch to the enamel and dentine.
  5. Apply the bonding agent.
  6. Placing the composite material.
  7. Crafting and shaping the restoration.
  8. Curing the restoration using a special light.
  9. Final smoothing, shaping and polishing.
  10. Give you aftercare advice.
Composite Bonding and Smile Makeovers

Composite Bonding and Smile Makeovers

Composite bonding can be used in cosmetic dentistry to change the way your teeth look completely.

Composite material can be used in many other areas of dentistry including placing attachments for aligner treatments and securing retainers and also for composite bonding.

This can often give the effects people want from that Hollywood smile, without the need for invasive veneer procedures. Visit our Smile Makeover page for information on ways to transform your smile.

If you are interested or considering composite bonding for your teeth, please do not hesitate to Book a Virtual Online Consultation by submitting your photos:

If you are interested or considering composite bonding for your teeth, please do not hesitate to Book an appointment.

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    Sweet Tooth Dental Care
    185 Redbridge Lane East
    Ilford, IG4 5DF

    020 8551 2216