Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Benefits of laser dentistry

Lasers have been in dentistry for many years and can be used to treat several soft tissue problems, without the need for invasive surgical procedures. Improved technology allows us to provide patients with much greater comfort, less bleeding, faster healing and better clinical results than conventional treatments.

Due to its highly specialised skill requirements, not every practice can provide laser treatment.

  • Quiet laser for your relaxation
  • Less need for anaesthetic
  • Increased comfort during treatment
  • Reduced need for sutures
  • Reduces risk of post-operative infection
  • Minimises post-operative discomfort and bleeding
  • Reduces treatment time
  • Reduces post-operative healing time
Benefits of laser dentistry
What does the laser do and is it safe?

What does the laser do and is it safe?

A dental laser produces a very narrow, intense beam of light energy. When laser light meets tissue, it causes a reaction where the tissue is vaporised.

Before your dentist can perform dental laser treatment, they need to go through training for each specific dental laser device. So, before going for any dental laser procedure, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist about the training they have received.

For your protection, you will be asked to wear a special pair of glasses during any laser treatment for extra protection.

What treatments can be done using the laser?

Treatment of Gum and Periodontal Disease including Gingivectomy

Bleeding gums and gum recession are common signs of gingivitis and gum disease, caused by the presence of bacteria and inflammation inside the gums and around your teeth or implants.

In this case, the laser kills the bacteria under the gums and removes infected tissue. This results in reduced inflammation, less recession and promotes the formation of new bone and improved healing of the gum tissue.

“Gummy” smile or crown lengthening treatment

This is a popular method of enhancing the appearance of your smile without the need for more complex procedures such as veneers. Here the gums are shaped and this is known as gingival contouring. The laser safely removes excess gum tissue that may give you a “gummy” smile or makes your front teeth appear irregular in size or shape.

Gum flaps over teeth

Simply put, a gingival operculum or pericoronal flap refers to a flap of excess tissue covering a partially erupted tooth.

This flap usually occurs on wisdom teeth, but it can happen around the base of any tooth that has not erupted completely. The flap of tissue may be hard to keep clean, and food debris and bacteria can become trapped in the area, causing inflammation and here’s where our laser comes in. The procedure will help you clean the area more easily, reducing plaque build-up and helping prevent the return of inflammation and infection.

It might sound daunting, but this type of procedure is a minor procedure and is very routine for our dentist and therapist.

Frenectomy treatment or “Tongue/Lip Tie”

Tissue connections that restrict the movement of your tongue or lips can affect your speech or cause gum recession. These connections can be “released” with a dental laser. Patients who have had this procedure 0experience less bleeding and a lack of need for anaesthetic or sutures in many cases.

Other conditions that can be treated include

Cold sores, mouth ulcersand growths due to tongue or cheek biting.

“I’m very impressed with the gum alignment. I couldn’t believe there was no pain and I healed so quickly”.

– Mrs R Hanks

“I had a prolonged and painful ulcer, within minutes the pain was gone and the ulcer soon disappeared”.

– Mrs L Cook

Book a consultation with one of our dentists today to find out if dental laser treatment could help you.

Book your consultation and find out how we’re different – call 020 8551 2216 or

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    Sweet Tooth Dental Care
    185 Redbridge Lane East
    Ilford, IG4 5DF

    020 8551 2216